

SIA代表 佐々木賢治
1994年SIA設立 国連英検特A

佐々木賢治21世紀、今年の初頭、ある日本企業がその広告で人材の豊富さ、優秀さを誇示する目的で「Many Stuff」を初めとして多くのミスを犯してしまいました。多分その企業は「Large Staff」と表現したかったのだと思います。多くの誤った英語表現を指摘している私たちSIAの関係者には直ちに理解できますが、海外の人達には「多くのいかがわしい詰め物をした人物を抱かえている企業」と理解したかも知れません。




Paul Mason
SIA Chief Editor and Instructor

Protect yourself!

If you're serious about learning English, you face one great hidden problem: We learn from our environment and, if you live in Japan, it's hard not to absorb the English we find all around us. But much of this "English" is nonsense, whether because it is produced by admen whose English never got beyond high school, or because it consists of "false friends": apparently similar phrases that don't actually mean the same thing.

Examples of Japanese-English false friends include "challenge" (Japanese for "do one's best"; in English it has many meanings, mostly related to confrontation) and "smart" (Japanese "slim"; British English "well-dressed", American English "clever".)

Protecting yourself from false friends and from other poor environmental English requires more than a mere "eikaiwa". It requires immersion: learning to think critically in English through content and analysis.

SIA offers a number of challenging content-based courses, as well as courses tailored for the specific needs of those who wish to enter overseas universities.